DDS Waiver Program

Our Services

DDS Waiver Program

ABI participates in the state DDS Autism Waiver Program.  Eligible clients can apply for the Autism Waiver Program and DDS will contract with ABI to provide direct services as well as BCBA parent training.

The client and BCBA will participate in an interview to allow the client to choose the provider they prefer.  Once chosen, a contract will be signed between DDS and ABI to provide the necessary services.

DDS Waiver Program hours can also be combined with Insurance Funded Hours to provide additional services, where possible.

Direct ABA

We provide personalized and precise one-to-one teaching.

Home & Community

Successful in-home & community-based treatment is the primary focus of our ABA programs.


Center-based services enhance the acquisition of vital living skills that are applied across environments.

Ready for Life Program

Our Ready for Life Program integrates the best home, clinic, and community.

Social Skills

ABI holds regular social skills groups for individuals of all ages.

Preschool Services

We support our youngest clients who may also be participating in an Early Intervention program.

Private Consultation

Our private pay offerings include parent consultations and fully staffed direct service ABA programs.

Parent Training

Our clinicians are highly experienced in providing parent training services.