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Frequently Asked Questions

Autism Spectrum Disorder (also known as autism or ASD) is a disorder classified by a set of specific behaviors related to social, communication, and behavioral differences. The word “spectrum” appreciates the fact that individuals with autism are all different and their symptoms of autism could be anywhere on a continuum from very mild to very severe in any of the areas of need that characterize the disorder.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services are grounded in science and have been researched to prove their effectiveness. ABA services are effective in teaching many new skills including how to communicate, be social, and care for oneself. ABA also helps address behaviors that may be a concern by understanding the “function” that a behavior may serve.

At ABI, we provide direct services at our Center, in your home, and in the community depending on the needs of your child. We complete comprehensive assessments to understand where your child is strong and where they need help. Parents and other caregivers are always involved in the assessment process. After assessment, we develop treatment plans that spell out how often your child will be seen, where they will be seen, and what skills will be taught. Behavior support plans are developed at this time too.

  • Yes!
  • We provide caregiver support for all of our clients. Some insurance companies include “parent training” as part of their coverage where we teach parents, caregivers, and even siblings ways to support your child at home and in the community.
  • Give us a call! Send us an email! Stop by our Center!
  • [email protected]
  • We offer initial consultations where you can learn about us and we can learn about your child. We can also help navigate your insurance coverage.