In this blog, we will explore Executive Skills and Autism.

What can ABA do to help learning to become “Ready for Life”? Executive skill needs and developmental differences are often significant challenges for individuals with autism. ABA is an evidence-based therapy that focuses on learning skills and changing behavior. Therefore, ABA can help “learn” new executive skills and apply them in real life situations.

What are Executive Skills?

Planning.  Organizing.  Starting tasks.  Switching gears.  These are all examples of Executive Skills that vary from person to person. They are often quite compromised in individuals with autism.

Executive functioning skills are often thought of as “brain-based” functions. Yet by applying the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and learning, we can come to a better understanding of how to view – and intervene – with executive skills using a different lens. 

Accommodation Versus Teaching

Oftentimes as a psychologist and behavior analyst in the schools, I would consult on cases were executive skills challenges seemed to be the root cause of a problem.  A student couldn’t start a writing assignment independently. Another student always forgot their work at home. Yet another student seemed inflexible and became very upset with subtle changes in routine.

My colleagues and I often looked to accommodate these needs.  Today, using our science of ABA, we can go beyond accommodation. Using ABA we can begin to directly teach executive skills.

This is not an easy undertaking.  But by recognizing different executive skills as behaviors, we understand that it is possible.

Executive Skills and Autism at ABI

At ABI, we hold the belief that all of the clients and families we support need – and deserve – the ability to become Ready for Life.  Executive skills are a very big component in this driving goal. By teaching rather than just accommodating, we become closer to realizing this vision.


We would love to talk to you about ABA services over the phone or take you on a tour of one of our ‘Ready for Life’ centers. Above all our care professionals will take the time to answer your questions about ABA therapy and offer any support we can provide.

Call: 617 402 5444

Email: [email protected]